As President Barack Obama hectically moves around the Oval Office, he contemplates every decision in his head: conflicts foreign and domestic, economic stunts, and looming national security threats.
When Obama declared his presidential campaign, he vowed to be the president that brought our troops home and ended American intervention in the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
“I’ll be a president who ends this war in Iraq and finally brings our troops home,” Obama said in 2008 as he won the Iowa caucus.
With the threat of ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (commonly known as ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant), on the rise, the President must decide what his strategy is for the security of the nation.
ISIS, originally referred to as a Jayvee (meaning not as strong or powerful) team behind terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, has quickly risen to the scene as the most prominent terrorist threat on the planet. With the beheading of American journalist James Foley occurring in August still resting heavily in the hearts of Americans and allies alike, the government has quickly realized that it’s time to get serious.
In a press conference on August 28, Obama declared to the nation and our enemies in one of the biggest strategic errors of his presidency, that we currently do not know how to handle the situation and there’s no timetable as to when the plan will be ready.
“I don’t want to put the cart before the horse: we don’t have a strategy yet,” Obama said, “I think what I’ve seen in some of the news reports suggest that folks are getting a little further ahead of what we’re at than what we currently are.”
The President makes a valid statement: the worst thing America can do is act out of ignorance and blind fury, but at the same time if something is not done and in appropriate time, we may be in for the worst.
Obama has said over and over that he prefers to use tools other than our military to solve problems with our enemies, and the military is just one of our resources. The more American lives saved, the better, but we must also assert our political and militaristic dominance over groups that threaten us.
With the final half of the President’s second term getting ready to start, America is hoping for answers and leadership at a time where the economy isn’t making much progress and national security is starting to become an issue again. The President has failed so far, and without leadership by our commander-in-chief we, as a nation, are walking blindly into a fight.
From democrats to conservatives, we are all Americans and are all in this boat together. The more support we give our government and our President even in times of disagreement, the more we can get done and prove to our enemies the strength our country possesses.