Everyone knows the romantic tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. However, Julian Fellowes’ rendition of the classic love story was not at all as passionate and heartfelt as Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 version.
In the latest take on William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the intense, emotional Romeo (Douglas Booth) falls madly in love in with the gentle, endearing Juliet (Hailee Steinfield). But Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet, from two families who are mortal enemies. Their love cannot be.
Booth plays the role of Romeo beautifully and his lines are delivered perfectly whereas his leading lady Steinfield does not. Her lines are mumbled and barely audible. Booth and Steinfield were not paired well together and their romance seemed a bit awkward at time. Overall the needed connection and infatuation was not there.
All in all, I do not recommend going to see this movie. It’s a very watered down version of Shakespeare’s art. To get the same affectionate feeling you would from reading Shakespeare’s art itself, you’re better off watching Zefferelli’s version.