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Senior Hanna Kellar walks down the DECA fashion show runway. This year Kellar is helping behind the scenes by choreographing dances and teaching the models how to walk. 
Photo by Monica Thompson.

Confidence Rises At DECA Fashion Show

Harmony Thomas March 9, 2020

As seniors Hanna Kellar and Octavyous Hodge strut down the runway of the auditorium stage, the glowing lights bounce off their bedazzled outfits causing the audience gaze in amazement.  On March...

PG Players Begin Rehearsals For Spring Musical

PG Players Begin Rehearsals For Spring Musical

admin February 28, 2020

Stepping into the middle of the stage sophomore Helene White is ready to bring Kitty’s character to life. Kitty’s self proclaimed celebrity status  The PG Players have announced their spring...

Matt Weston from Prince George County Public Schools with trustee Brad Kaufman
Photo curticy of the John Randolph Foundation

Graphic Imaging Gains New Equipment

Sarah Schrum February 28, 2020

On January 15th the Graphic Imaging department got a grant from the John Randolph Foundation. With this donation, Virtual Reality headsets and mini drones became a new addition to the equipment in room...

Spirit Week Brings Awareness to African American Culture

Spirit Week Brings Awareness to African American Culture

Emily Hannuksela February 24, 2020

Since 1976, Black History Month has been celebrated every February. During this month, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) and the Cultural Awareness Club will be sponsoring a spirit week dedicated...

Seniors Sara Radford and Ian Brenzie pose with their trophies for placing at their forensics competition. Brenzie and Radford intend to participate in the competition event on February 15th.
Photo by Heidi Crane

Forensics Members Practice Poetry

Emily Hannuksela February 13, 2020

Fluorescent lighting shines in their faces as the forensics students stare out into a crowd of people in an unfamiliar school and they clear their throat to begin speaking.  When some people think...

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