This past weekend PG Players performed their spring musical, Into the Woods. This retelling brings many classic fairy tales together in one narrative.
“I played Rapunzel’s Prince so basically I am the counterpart to Cinderella’s prince, Prince Charming, I am his little brother and we sing a song called Agony about how it is so hard to reach your princess,” Junior Antonio Carpenter said.
With this school years final production completed, for seniors, this was the last time they would be in a play during their high school career. Carpenter reflects on how this musical was able to bring together upper and underclassmen to make this performance one to remember.
“Getting through it with everyone we were with [was the best part of the this experience], because we have so many seniors that are leaving and a whole bunch of underclassman coming. It was really nice, all of us blending together, and came together to make a really good show,” Carpenter said.
Putting together a play with so many parts takes a lot of time from many different people. But the effort is what makes it worth it.
“This show was a mess during tech week, but opening night everything came together. So that definitely shows that even the worst looking plays have a way of coming together,” Junior Kimberlyn Bobeau said.
For the first time in many years the spring musical included music from a live pit orchestra. Junior Morgan Parker practiced daily to perfect the timing in the orchestra playing the Baritone.
“When playing with actors you have to pay a lot more attention because they may have not finished their lines yet so you have to repeat a portion of the music but when it is a band concert you don’t have to worry about anything like that,” Parker said.
While there are no more plays this school year, students who will be in future shows are already excited for the potential for the shows for next year.
“I only have two shows left in high school and I can’t wait to give it my all and help make my last two shows the best shows anyone has ever seen,” Bobeau said.