The Virginia Department Of Education collected data of all the incident reports from 2013-2017 from different schools in the state. The highest incidents that were reported were defiance and classroom disruption.
Schools seek to lower the numbers of incidents so that the school district is safer and the learning environment is an effective work place.

Prince George has a total of 33,769 incidents that were reported in 2013-2014.
Officers who see these kind of behaviors are resource officers at Prince George High School. They implement disciplinary actions who commit such offense throughout each school day to keep the students safe.

“I think it sometimes starts at home [ being disobedient] and whether they are here to break the rules because in todays society some people make up their own rules,” Security Officer Hamlet said.
Out of the 149,714 incidents across the state of Virginia in 2015-2016, 61.59% were behavior incidents.
Out of the 147,155 incidents reported in 2016-2017, the most frequent incident was defiance with 20,576 reported cases.
168,915 was the total of all disciplinary outcomes across the state of Virginia reported in 2015-2016. 151,876, 89.9% were short-term suspensions.
All incidents from 2016-2017 totaled to 166,627. 148,678 of the incidents resulted in a short term suspension.