Here is what is happening for the week of Oct 15th to Oct 19th.
This week will be the final opportunity for seniors to take their photo for the yearbook. On Wednesday, October 17, seniors and underclassmen will have photo make-ups for anyone who has not yet taken their photo. Seniors need to stop by A2 this week to sign up for a time slot. Underclassmen will be called down throughout the morning.
Tryouts for Sideline Basketball Cheer will be held November 5, 7, 8 from 3:00-5:00pm in the PGHS Auxiliary gym. You must have a physical on the VHSL Physical form dated after May 1, 2018 and Head Injury Release form to participate. Tryout packets may be picked up in the main office of the High School and Clements beginning October 15th. Please contact Coach Haydt or Slaybaugh if you have any questions.
If you have a flair for the dramatic, enjoy an audience, or just want to work on your fear of public speaking, Forensics might be for you! Come out to an interest meeting for the Forensics team on Wednesday, October 17th at 2:45 in room A29. High school forensics has nothing to do with analyzing crime scenes, but instead is all about public speaking! The meeting will help you to understand more about forensics and in what categories you might compete. We will also review our competition schedule.There is no pressure to commit, just information on how much fun we have in practice and at tournaments. If you cannot attend, but are still interested in more information, please see Mrs. Andersen, forensics coach, in A-30 or in A-faculty as soon as possible.
The SGA is collecting socks to donate to homeless shelters. It’s called Socktober! Bring your pairs of socks (any styles, any sizes) to room A-33.
Any junior or senior who would like to serve on the prom committee should sign up in Mrs. Roberts’ room, A4, before or after school only. Those interested should understand that they are required to attend 3 meetings and be present the night before prom (April 26th) to help decorate. If you have any questions about serving on prom committee, please see Mrs. Roberts in A4.
The following college representatives will be at Prince George High School. Any seniors interested in meeting with a college representative should sign up in the counseling office.
Wednesday, October 17- Roanoke College at 8:30
Friday October 26 – George Mason University at 9:00
Monday, October 29th Johnson and Wales at 8:30
Monday, October 29 Christopher Newport University at 9:30
Thursday, November 1 Bridgewater College at 8:30
Throughout the month of October, SADD and Cultural Awareness Club members will be collecting donations for Trick or Treat for UNICEF. Trick or Treat for UNICEF is an annual event here at PGHS, which supports global citizenship and healthy peer-to-peer relationships. Thank you to the members that have already turned in one or two boxes. All boxes are due Nov. 1st.