The last full week of school before winter break includes two concerts and a major event for all students involved in clubs. Don’t miss out on getting your photo taken on Wednesday.
Club picture day will take place on Wednesday, December 13th in the auditorium. A schedule of picture times and clubs will be posted in classrooms. In order for a student to be released from class to take a picture with a club, students must have a student ID, a club membership card, and a planner. If a student does not have a club card please see the sponsor before Wednesday.
The winter band concert will take place on Tuesday night in the auditorium at 7 PM, and the choir concert will take place Thursday night at 7 PM.
Longwood University will be conducting on-site admission interviews on Dec. 14th beginning at 9 AM. Any senior interested in participating in this opportunity should sign up in the guidance office by Dec. 13th.
The VCU Children’s Hospital Teen Toy Drive is happening this week. PGHS is collecting teen-oriented items to give to the teenagers who are patients at VCU Children’s Hospital. Last year, the school collected nearly 1,000 items for teenagers. The hospital was thrilled that PGHS took the teenager angle because they tend to be forgotten in these drives. The goal is to unite the school as a community and exceed last year. Check with teachers to see if they have a collection box. Also, clubs, organizations, or teams may collect during the holidays. See Ms. Heath or Mr. Owens in the library, Ms. Webb in A22, or Coach Butler in Attendance if you have any questions.