Here is what is happening for the week of March 3rd through March 10th.
The Spring Fling, Prince George’s annual fine arts festival will take place at PGHS on March 11th from 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM. This is a fun opportunity for staff and students to earn community service hours and get a dose of creative culture.
The library has added titles to the Free Book Cart. The latest titles include books related to health, sciences, cars, and aeronautics.
Students in the 10th – 12th grades who are interested in joining Mu Alpha Theta can pick up an application from Mrs. Hall in room D-18. Completed applications and a $10 application fee are due by Friday, March 24th.
Congratulations to the following Future Business Leaders of America who represented Prince George High School at the FBLA Spring Regional Conference and Competitions on March 1: Addison “Brock” Wesson–Accounting II–Second Place, Samantha Kaiser–Advertising–Second Place, James Klein–Agribusiness–First Place, Brittany Grebas–Business Law–Third Place, Wayne Coleman–Journalism–First Place, Hayley Secrist–Public Speaking I–Second Place and Chase Powers–Sales Presentation–Third Place. Many of these students will advance to represent the TriCities Region at the FBLA State Conference in April in Reston, VA.
A college representative from SCAD will be here on Wednesday, March 8th at 8:30am. Any senior interested in meeting with this representative should sign up in the counseling office.
Senior/Parent Mandatory Meetings will be held Monday, April 3rd, Tuesday, April 18th and Wednesday, April 26th. Each senior student with at least ONE parent/guardian MUST attend ONE of the Senior/Parent Mandatory meetings. Each meeting will begin at7:00pm in the PGHS Auditorium. NOT attending will result in NOT participating in Graduation.
SGA members are reminded to attend our next monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 8 after school in the LMC. Members should wear their SGA tshirts all day in preparation! If you can’t attend, you need to let Ms Edmundson know before the meeting.
The Military Family Life Program will begin hosting a “Transitions Group” for students on Wednesdays from 7:25-7:50 in the Library. This group is geared towards students who have recently moved into the area, are new to the school, may be moving out of the area soon or those students who have a military family member. This will be an informal gathering that will offer an array of topics and offer a place to ask questions, get information, or just chat with fellow students. First meeting will take place March 1st.