On Thurs., Jan. 19, theater students participated in the Virginia High School League Conference 12 Theater festival. VHSL is the governing body all sports, debate, forensics, and academic challenge teams compete under in the state of Virginia. Theatre festivals are for schools in the surrounding district, the schools get together and perform an half hour one act play.
Theatre students from the high school performed the play “Us and Them” by David Campton. Each school competing is allowed 30 minutes to perform their one act play. Judges score the plays and then determines 1st, 2nd, and so on. The PG Players won first place and will continue on to regionals along with the second place school. Senior Troy West was named as one of the best actors that performed.
Highland Springs High School hosted this year’s VHSL theatre festival. Highland Springs, Meadowbrook, and Prince George High School all participated in the festival. Not all the schools listed in the district have to compete, as Matoaca did not along with others.
West said that he was looking forward to seeing what Highland Springs looked like and seeing all the other schools perform. He also said he thought it would be a good challenge for the theatre students.
Senior actor Sarah Brown said that she was looking forward to competing with other schools, witnessing what other schools put together, and performing for the other schools so they see what the royals worked hard on.
“The festival is not an athletic activity where people get competitive. During all of the break periods all of the students and teachers ate dinner together. While waiting for the judges to finish their tabulations, music was played in the auditorium and everyone danced and had a great time,” theatre teacher Daryl Phillips said.
if a student wants to participate in the next theatre festival, auditions will be held in the fall. Anyone who is a student at the high school can audition.
Photo contributed by the PG Players.