1.) Sleep in
Don’t we all just love sleeping longer, even if it is just 5 more minutes. Sleeping is sacred to us after all…
2.) Watch Holiday Movies
How else can you get into the holiday spirit? Watching Christmas movies gives you that special holiday feeling.
3.) Sledding/Snowboarding/Skiing/Ice Skating/Build a Snowman/Snowball Fight
Let’s have fun! Throw some snowballs, build a man out of snow, just be you with your friends, family or neighbor
4.) Hot Chocolate tasting party
What sort of season would it be if you didn’t drink Hot Chocolate or Eggnog? They both are good for this season, holiday oriented so to say.
5.) Nerf War with friends/family
Ok, let us just say. If you don’t have some of fun this holiday season, you’re doing everything wrong.
6.) Throw a Christmas Party
Other than a Hot Chocolate/ Eggnog party, you could throw a party just for Christmas. Invite your friends and family and maybe open presents together.
7.) Make a New Years Resolution
Like every year, we always strive to make ourselves better with a resolution at the beginning of the year but we never live up to it. Maybe this is the year we could follow our own goals.
8.) Give your room a make-over
It’s a New Year right? Maybe start the year off with a clean and more organized room.
9.) Volunteer
Along with your New Years Resolution, maybe you could help out this year and volunteer. Besides, your volunteer hours are useful for your resume.
10.) Go spend time with your family
Its great to spend time with your family. You should have a strong bond to them especially. Knit with your grandmother, cook with your mother, or play video games with your brother. Have fUN