As many generations enter and exit the high school, the various changes in the student body become more apparent. The concept of dating is an example of how the student body has transformed over the years.
Some of the changes in society are due to social media, which now plays a massive role. On the other hand, the use of cellular devices, instead of an old-fashioned landline, has also contributed to many social changes of today. However, the key priority in today’s society is deciding if these changes are for better or for worse.
“In my opinion, social media has changed the way dating is perceived over the years, and I’m not comfortable with it,” Special Education teacher Teacher Brenda Clary said. “Back when I was growing up, you actually had to work hard in order to date someone. You had to meet the whole family before dating.”
Social media has made it much easier for others to interact and date. While this may seem like an easier process, it could also be very frightening due to the fact that people have unknown identities on the Internet. In addition, it is also very difficult to verify the appearances of others online, due to the fact that photo shopped images exist at an increasing rate. Online predators who hide behind the screen are also a big issue.
“In the past years, dating was just an advanced friendship, but for our student body of today, dating is way more serious,” sophomore Rhiannon Lawrence said. “It has turned into a codependency.”
On the other hand, dating has turned into a more social relationship. As seen in the past, relationships of today model a thirties and forties theme relationship, in the fact that students are more dependent on the opinion of others. Also, students are becoming more dependent on their significant others.
“Dating is more straightforward these days,” sophomore Channel Garland said. “It’s like a game, and due to social media and other things, you don’t really get to know a person.”
Additionally, the use of social media has again provided an easier way to access a person without personally knowing them. On many social websites, users are able to comment and direct message others without even knowing them. However on a good note, users are able to make any profiles or pages of their choice private, so they are able to control their accounts.
“Other than Social Media, our society bases everything on looks,” Garland said. “No one looks at your personality or character, it’s all about the way someone looks.”
Another major issue in the student body is the fact that many individuals are judged or looked at for all the wrong reasons. Instead of looks, students should look deeper for sincere character traits and impeccable qualities. These days, individuals are so focused on their appearances that they lose sight on what the concept of dating really is. It is important that individuals take other things, not just looks, into further consideration.
Moreover, students should stop relying on social media for many of our social relationships. In addition, individuals should also stop looking at appearances, and search deeper for qualities such as kindness or honesty. Mostly, never lose sight of the real meaning of dating. It’s way more than just social media, it is about finding someone who motivates others to strive and be a better person everyday.