Sketching away at a blank canvas, Hailey Beu, tries to seek what she has to do to improve her own art. As her hand skillfully draws a face, she takes a deep breath and steps back. This high school senior knows how to express her feelings out for the world to see.
“I like art because it lets me express myself and escape reality,” Beu said.
With all the different techniques art students have to learn, each one develops a preference for certain techniques. While they build a like for each one, they also develop a dislike towards some.
Although they learn things for art, the students enjoy their own artwork. Hailey Beu’s favorite piece is her Hindu inspired portrait that has six arms.
“I think it looks cool and it is because I put tons of effort and time in it,” said Beu.
She struggles with some mediums and especially more with permanent styles. Some of her fellow peers feel the same.
“Pen and ink is the hardest for me because I am a perfectionist and I cannot go back to erase it,” Beu said.
Amazing colors, shapes, and images all appear for creative minds. Many art students, such as Beu, draw images related to their feelings.
“I draw when I am angry or upset, not when I am happy because I could always be doing something different,” Beu said.
Just as any other senior would, she has high plans for herself. Going to college to study photography is top on her list.
“I think photography is more interesting than painting because I’d rather work with something that is there or outside looking for something than sitting in a room trying to think of something to paint,” Beu said.