This I believe
I Believe good friends are hard to find. Everyone who smiles in your face is not your friend. I am shy when it comes to getting to know new people. People who know me know I am quiet but people who really know me know that I am no. I am self conscious about a lot of things so when it comes to meeting new people I have a hard time with that. I love to have fun and hang with people. I don’t think trust is something you give out I think its something that’s gained. A good friendship comes with a lot of charteristics. trustworthiness, honesty, and laughter are three charteristics I think are needed to have. A friendship without trust is not a good friendship because if you feel like you can not trust your friends to keep your secrets then its no reason for a friendship. Honesty is good for a good friendship because honesty and trustworthiness goes hand in hand. Laughter is another important charteristic because when your sad or in need of a good laugh your friend will be there. Friends are like diamonds real ones are hard to find.