Senior Photo 2021
Class of 2021 Senior Portrait Information
Candid Color Photography is your school’s official senior portrait photographer.
The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented and has changed how we need to conduct senior portraits. Rest assured that the health and safety of seniors, families, school staff, and Candid Color staff is
our highest priority.

We have made the following adjustments in order to achieve this goal:
Senior Portraits are scheduled for your school on the following dates:
Tuesday-Wednesday, August 4-5, 2020
Location: Prince George High School Auditorium
Appointments are available from 8:30am until 3:30pm
You MUST schedule an appointment time online at the following link:
- Appointments will be made exclusively online. Local guidelines have set a maximum number of occupants in the picture location. Appointment times are limited in order to comply with this measure. We cannot take same-day appointments or assist those that do not schedule in advance.
- A variety of sitting options will be available for families to select from. Families will receive physical copy proofs and online proofs (based on selected sitting option). Sitting options must be paid for in advance of your appointment.
Your yearbook pose will be different this year. The traditional tuxedo and drape pose will NOT be available at this session. We ask that seniors bring the following attire for your senior yearbook photo:
- Guys – Bring a solid color dress shirt. Ties and jackets are optional
- Girls – Bring a solid color dress or blouse.
Your school’s yearbook staff may provide further guidelines for your senior picture attire in order to maintain a consistent look and style in your yearbook class pages.
- We will still be able to offer indoor casual photos and outdoor environmentals.
- Bring changes of clothes and your own props like sports equipment, musical instruments, and other items that are part of your hobbies.
- Your cap and gown pose will NOT be offered in the summer. These will be scheduled for later in the school year.
Seniors are required to sign a waiver that allows him or her to be photographed at the scheduled appointment. A downloadable copy will be available when you schedule your appointment. It must be signed and turned in to the photographers.
Candid Color PHOTOGRAPHY [email protected] • 703-590-0187 •
Candid Color photographers and staff will be implementing the following modifications to how we interact with your senior:
- Our staff will wear face masks at all times when in proximity with people.
- Our staff will maintain a minimum six feet social distancing when possible.
- Our photographers will be taking pictures from a distance beyond six feet and minimize close interaction as best as possible.
- Hand sanitizer will be available to use prior to interaction with our staff.
- Temperature checks will be performed prior to starting your session.
- No more than 10 seniors will be allowed in the picture location at a time. If you are waiting to enter for your appointment then once a current senior is done then the next in line will be allowed inside.
We understand your senior may see a friend and want to talk to them. We ask that you refrain from interaction until your appointment is finished and have left the picture location.
We ask for your senior to consider the following to keep everyone safe:
- If you have come in contact with someone that has tested positive within 14 days of your appointment then please stay home. You can reschedule your appointment for the next available date.
- If you feel ill, have trouble breathing, have a high temperature or anything similar then please stay home. This also applies if anyone in your household has similar issues. You can reschedule your appointment for the next available date.
- Family members with underlying health conditions should refrain from accompanying you to your session.
- Please wear a mask while you are indoors. You may take it off when it is your turn at the photo station.
- Please observe a minimum six feet social distancing space between one another.
- Wash your hands often or use sanitizer. Avoid touching too many objects if possible.
We appreciate you following these new guidelines as we navigate this uncertain time. Please contact us if you have any questions at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you!