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New Staff: Ian Kelty

Ian Kelty, 2014
Ian Kelty, 2014

By: Samantha Daniel

Standing at his lane in the Colonial Heights Bowling Alley, Ian Kelty is focused on one thing and one thing only: not messing up his shot. This is something he has had a lot of practice at. He steps back, making a swinging motion with his arm. He lets his arm move forward and releases the ball. The ball steadily, but surely moves down the lane knocking over all of the pins in its way and earning Kelty a strike.

Kelty, a senior, has been bowling since he was 5. His parents first signed him up for classes as something to do. Around the age of 11 or 12, Kelty became really interested in the sport. He wanted to become better.

Currently, Kelty is bowling on a league. He bowls individually and unlike most other bowlers, he has no coach at the moment.

“I bowl once a week and my scores are cumulative,” Kelty said.

Along with enjoying bowling as a pastime, Kelty is the son of two Air Force members.

“Moving has its negatives and positives,” Kelty said, “I like meeting new people and being able to adapt to new places.”

However, he doesn’t like the constant change. Being in his senior year, the prospect of probably having to move again soon is not appealing.

In the future, Kelty plans on attending college. He has already been accepted into Notre Dame on a bowling scholarship, with other options being West Texas and Wichita.

Kelty is not sure about whether or not he will attend Notre Dame. Once he does make a decision, he plans on majoring in Business Management.

One day, Kelty would like to own his own bowling alley.

“I figured I already practically live in the bowling alley and I might as well own one and do something I love,” Kelty said.