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New Staff: Austin Britt

Austin Britt, 2016
Austin Britt, 2016

By: Abigail Faircloth 

Austin Britt, a member of the PGHS golf team, has spent countless hours watching, practicing, and putting multiple balls in the Jordan Point golf course, looking for improvement on his game.

Only a sophomore in high school, Britt has already found something he will enjoy doing the rest of his life. Though Britt does roughly two times a week, he has put a substantial amount of time into considering a different career path.

“My dream is to eventually become an architect,” Britt said. “I’ve put a lot of thought into it, and I think it’s something I’d really love.”

Though golf is a major passion for Britt, he  he already knows that becoming an architect is his main focus, so it is more likely golf will be set aside after high school.

“Even though I really enjoy playing, I wouldn’t want to do it as a career,” Britt said. “I think it’s more of a hobby for me.”

Even though he does not wish to pursue golf as a career, his love for the game may lead him places that most people would not expect from Britt.

“I think I’d really like to visit England someday,” Britt said. “There is a lot of history there, especially about golf.”

Not only does Britt have his future after high school all planned out, he also knows what he will be doing up until then.

“I’ll most definitely continue to be playing golf,” Britt said. “I’m really making sure I soak it up. Soon I’ll have graduated and then I won’t have as much time as I’d want to golf.”