Walking across the stage, receiving diplomas, and ending a four year high school journey is the main focal point of conversations among seniors. As graduation day quickly approaches, seniors begin reflecting on high school and planning for their future endeavors.
“Graduation to me is a big achievement, a milestone. It means a lot to my parents and my family for them to see me graduate, and if it means a lot to them then it means a lot to me,” senior Meridith Hughes said. “It’s really exciting to be able to start a new chapter in your life.”
Seniors congregated in the library to receive their caps and gowns, and it was an event full of tears and memories. This ceremony caused many seniors to realize the proximity of graduation and adulthood.
“Receiving our cap and gown means that we are in the home stretch and almost to graduation day,” senior Georgia Adair said. “I realized that preparing for my new stage in higher level education is coming sooner than I thought.”
Staying motivated in high school is a challenge for some, with a new stage of life approaching that could possibly include college, trade school, the military, or many more options. However, procrastination and lack of motivation is not affecting all of the student body, especially those who want to be an honor graduate.
“I am staying motivated my senior year to work hard, because I want to graduate with honors, so I have to keep my GPA above a 4.0,” Adair said.
As the school year concludes, contemplations arise from seniors looking back at the memories and lessons learned throughout their high school career.
“Prince George High School has taught me to care for one another, with everything our student body has been through the last two school years,” Hughes said. “Everyone has been really supportive and caring even through Prince George’s worst times.”