A bright glass bakery display case filled with homemade cupcakes and pies greats customers as they enter the Buttermilk Bakery located at 257 E. Bank Street in Petersburg.
Known for their donuts and desserts, the bakery has a following in the area for a number of reasons.

“We make everything from scratch in the kitchen on site,” bakery owner Laura Boehmer said. “There is a lot that goes into baking. There is a lot of planning and placing of orders. We talk to our vendors and have to get ingredients for baking. And then you have to have someone who helps customers to sell it.”
Established shortly before Thanksgiving of 2014, the bakery is one of a number of local businesses who pride themselves in customer service.
“We offer a lot more products and we do a lot more events like weddings,” Boehmer said. “The quality of the product is what stands out. You might not get that at a Sam’s Club or a Walmart.”
They take pride in the quality of ingredients that go into their product and to their team who is attentive to their customers’ wants and needs.
There are eight full time and ten part-time workers at the bakery.
They have a heavy presence on social media including Instagram and Facebook which helps promote their business.
They have won a number of awards and recently have been recognized with the “Best of the Best” in the Tri-Cities for best desserts and sweets and best bakery.
“I think it means that people what we make which is awesome,” Boehmer said.