Class Makes Mats For Homeless from PGTV NEWS on Vimeo.
This year the Life Skills class has taken on a new project that involves recycling plastic bags and helping the homeless in a huge way.
“I’m Ms. Clary and I teach here at the high school and my program is a life skills program. Every year we try to do a project for the community and this year we have taken on making mats from plastic bags,” teacher Brenda Lockhart-Clary said.
One of Clary’s fellow educators Ms. Kitchens found the idea on Facebook and suggested the project to Clary.
“We wondered if our class could do it because it is a couple of steps to complete the bags,” Clary said.
They first must prep the bags by clipping the wings or handles. Once the bags have been prepared they are ready to be tied and woven into the mat. Each mat requires a lot of bags.
“It was challenging at first but as we continued with the project we looked online and found a variety of ways of how to cut and how to crochet using the different size bags,” Clary said.
The mats are about the size of a very large man which is about six feet long. This allows a person space to eat on the mat of stay on the mat so that they can remain dry.
They are continuing to do this until the end of the year and need as many bags as they can get. Anyone can help by bringing the bags to room f-18.