Senior Jordan Collins was taken in at three months old and by his first birthday was adopted by his foster parents.
November was dedicated as National Adoption Month in 1990. With the national percentage of adoption being at less than half, Collins and sophomore Julia Dickey believe it is important to bring light to the subject.
“Personally I think it is important because some people say it is cool to be adopted and in some cases it is, you get a home and a family but sometimes it is not depending on how you get adopted. So it is good to know that they have a month to make people more aware,” Collins said.
“I think it’s great that there is a month that celebrates adoption because adoption is such a positive and rewarding experience,” Dickey said.
Adoption occurs at different ages, for Dickey she was taken home from the hospital and welcomed into her family by her two older brothers, who were not adopted.
“I knew I was adopted my whole life. My parents thought it was important that I know my heritage and where I came from,” Dickey said.
While Collins found out he was adopted at the later age of eleven.
“They told me then because I was old enough to understand but not too old to get mad about it. If they told me at an older age I think I would’ve gotten mad about it so I was happy that they told me then,” said Collins.
Collins also has an older brother who was not adopted, but adoption is common in his family including his mother who has cousins that was adopted. Collins himself, even plans to adopt children someday.
“I want to have a child of my own and then adopt two more.” Collins said.
In the future Collins wants to give a child a permanent home and a family like his parent were able to give him.
“I’m happy to have a family that loves and cares about me. They’re always there for me. I even forgotten I am adopted sometimes because my family doesn’t make me feel like I am.” Collins said.
With many children still looking for permanent homes it is important to encourage others to look into adopting.
“My advice is to be patient. Adoptions can take a while to complete and at times it may seem like forever, but it is all worth it in the end,” Dickey said.
Collins and Dickey want spread advise to kid who are still waiting for their time to enter a new, permanent loving home and parents.
“Their time will come, people are alway looking to adopted for multiple reasons. Every child will get a home; no one will be homeless, they will get a family that will love them,” Collins said.
“I would let them know that there is a family out there that is going to love them unconditionally,” Dickey said.