Some of the most memorable parts of senior year are the final ceremonies. These ceremonies include baccalaureate, convocation, and most importantly, graduation.
These ceremonies are a collaboration of hard work, organization, and most of all the traditions. From the regalia to the final lap around the track, these traditions are what make up the ceremonies.
“Baccalaureate is a religious service lead by Lesli Allin, the South Elementary librarian,” Kim Bailey, final ceremonies sponsor, explains. “Convocation is an award celebration. It includes announcing scholarships, announcing military enlistments, and the class cap & gown picture.”
The school requires a specific outfit for the students during each ceremony, including appropriate dress attire under the gown, proper shoes, and cords and stoles that the senior has achieved.
“Last year was when the white stole got added. The senior class officers met with Herff Jones representatives to change them,” Bailey said. “We wanted to incorporate our colors: green, gold, and white.”
Everything is thought of when it comes to graduation and final exercises, even down to the sleeves of the gown.
“[The sleeves] were added the same time that the white stole was added. Traditionally the gowns were all green,” Bailey said.
The school has a somewhat strict idea of what the students should wear but the students are not the only ones with a plan for their outfit at these exercises. Teachers and staff will be wearing their own robes.
“That is what colleges wear,” Bailey said. “Most of us have graduated college so we wear our college gowns.”
Lastly, one of the most iconic symbols of graduation is not the gown but the cap and tassel. The tassels even have their own tradition.
“Student tassels go on the right side, then once you graduate they go to the left side. They all must be moved at the same time,” Bailey said.
These traditions are what make up these final moments of senior year along with the more, specific to Prince George, traditions including: the senior gift at convocation, seniors getting out a week earlier, and the senior slideshow at senior bash.