Along with the new school regulations and dress code came new teachers. One of the many new teachers is Blake Cox. Cox is a first year biology teacher.
With teaching positions being left unfilled, and the need for adequate teachers being at an all time high, some wonder what all does it take to be a teacher.
“Since the fourth grade I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I was raised around a family filled with teachers. My grandfather used to teach here and I actually have his old desk,” Cox said.
Although many think teaching is a chore, some enjoy their job and love what they do.
“Probably the best thing about my job is explaining to the students the lesson. When I see their face when they have that moment when everything clicks and they get it is just amazing. To truly be a good teacher you have to have that enthusiasm for the subject. How are the students supposed to get excited for the lesson if they aren’t excited?” Cox said.
Cox doesn’t dislike many things about his job.
“There isn’t much I don’t like about my job. The only thing I don’t really like is all the paperwork the first couple weeks of school, it definitely takes away from teaching time to the students,” Cox said.
Cox even gives advice to the students of all grades.
“If I could give advice to the student, I would say to stay on top of things. One of the biggest problems in high school is falling behind in your studies. It’s really hard to catch up, so I would say to just try your absolute hardest to stay on top of all your work so you don’t fall behind,” Cox said.