Cruising in his car, he had many things on his mind. He turns up the music to drown out the stresses of his high school life: grades, graduation, and much more. But there is one thing that senior Quincy Cunningham can turn to: basketball.
“My dad and my friends inspired me to start playing, and I also wanted to try something new,” Cunningham said.
Cunningham loves basketball, and without it he does not think life would be complete.
“I practice hard and give it my all, for my dad,” Cunningham said.
Cunningham’s dad has been a huge inspiration in his life. His dad played basketball for Thomas Dale and then played for the University of Arkansas after he graduated.
Cunningham is a small forward and can be seen on the court wearing the number ten. Cunningham has had the number ever since he started playing basketball.
“I hope to play for Virginia Weslyn, hopefully the NBA, and then overseas for the U.S.” Cunningham said.
Cunningham wishes to follow in his father’s footsteps and achieve his goals of being a basketball legend.
“I look forward to a better season for both the team and myself. I can always get better,” Cunningham said.
Even though the senior has many stresses in his life, like any other teenager, he can always go to his team to relieve that stress and help the Royals be successful.