Senior Homecoming Queen: Madison Kirkland
Were you confident that you were going to win [Homecoming Queen]?
I was a little confident because because a lot of people kept telling me I was going to win. I wasn’t 100% percent sure though, and I also thought everyone on the Court was well-known and had a good chance.
What was your reaction when you heard you won?
I was very excited and I was appreciative my friends voted for me.
What was the reaction of your family and friends?
A lot of people kept telling me I deserved it, and everyone kept calling me ‘Queen.’
What do you feel was the most important factor that got you votes?
[The fact] that I was campaigning with Malik Keaton and I posted pictures on Instagram that said ‘Vote for Malik and Madison.’ We wanted to [campaign together] because he’s DECA president and I am an officer.
What would you say to other students aiming to become Homecoming Queen?
I would tell them to stay confident and tell all their friends to have their IDs and vote for them. I would also tell them to campaign with another person.

Senior Homecoming King: Kyle Powroznick
Were you confident that you would win?
No, not at all. I lost two years before.
What was your first reaction when you heard you won?
I was excited.
What was the reaction of your family and friends?
They were excited and glad I finally won.
What do you feel was the most important factor that got you votes?
Being friends with a lot of people and not being shy.
What would say to other students aiming to become Homecoming King?
Be nice to everyone and be friends with everybody.