By Sarah Daniel
Every year the day after Thanksgiving, millions of shoppers file into stores trying to get the best deals. For most people, Black Friday marks the beginning of their shopping season.
Beginning at twelve o’clock in the morning stores open, offering the lowest prices of the year.
“I like it because there is a lot of good sales,” Alyssa Jordan said. “And it is an easy way to get Christmas shopping out of the way all at once.”
Some major Black Friday locations are Target, Kohls, JCPenny’s, Walmart, and BestBuy. On this day, or up to a few days before, crowds of people line up outside of the stores waiting to get in.
“It it always just really crazy and [there are] tons of people,” Jordan said. “I have seen a lot of fights over clothes too.”
The shoppers are not the only part of Black Friday shopping. Every store has plenty of employees setting up and running the store during this crazy period. Many of these workers work up to twelve hour shifts on this day.
“We have had to prepare for Black Friday by putting any of the shoes in our advertisement near the front so the customers will not have to search,” Shoe Carnival employee Marina Strickland said. ”We have also had to change a lot of the signs because of how the prices will change.”
Black Friday is a crazy time for everyone, including workers and shoppers.
Many people make it a tradition to go shopping on Black Friday. When they have to work on Black Friday they are unable to join the shopping frenzy.
“This will be the first year I don’t participate in Black Friday shopping,” Strickland said. “I am sad that I am going to miss out but I am excited to get paid for the ten hour shift.”
Many shoppers will begin their shopping at around six o’clock in the morning, while few shoppers will begin at midnight.
Black Friday is a day for shoppers to get their Christmas shopping done for a much lower price.
“There might be a lot of people, but the sales are always worth it,” sophomore Meaghan Elliott said.