By Amanda Majewski
When the New Year kicks off every- one has a new beginning. To start off the New Year most people are thinking about brand new memories, but some do not ever want to let go of the old memories. Little treasures that they have kept remind them of big memories and the best of times.
Treasures can be found in many places, and some are found out in theopen.
“I have my treasures all around my room so everyone can see what means the most to me and what I am all about,” junior Christina Pack said.
As for others they are hidden away for safekeeping. In sophomore Abria Humphries’ closet you can find her dance treasures.
“I got a medal for dance when I was little. I also really treasure my dance outfits, they are so pretty and remind me of when I used to dance,” Humphries said.
Then there are some people that do not ever want to throw their treasures away.
“I have a bunch of Hess cars and trucks that are a little used and run down from when I was younger, but they bring back great memories,” senior Autrey Jackson said.
Another type of treasure keeper is the collector, the one who collects a certain thing and just always adds on to the collection.
“I have lots of different treasures, but my favorites are my Atlanta Braves hats that I started collecting when I was nine. I have 37 different ones and I am still adding more to my collection. And I am still adding more to my collection, but I favor two hats out of them all, my very first one and the World Series brave win of ‘95,” Monica Curtis attendance secretary said.
Each and every treasure that is special has a memory to go along with it that makes it so memorable.
“My favorite treasure with a very memorable moment is a picture of me and my best friend Sierra right before she moved to New York. We are hugging each other crying as we think about all of our good times together,” Pack said.
Humphries memories are of when she was younger and used to dance.
“The dance medal was one of the few memories of dance that I enjoy. It was also one of my first medals so it means a lot,” Humphries said.
The collector, Curtis, has Atlanta Braves hats that each hold their own memory.
“The best memory I have is getting my first hat for Easter from my dad. This is where my collection first started,” Curtis said. “It always brings joy to me when I can find a new hat to add to my collection.”
Everyone has a keepsake or a treasure that is special to them, but might not mean anything to anyone else. It is something sentimental that if lost, it would be like losing a part of themselves.
“If my treasure were destroyed I would be upset. All those memories I could never get back, but what I have left in my head that will eventually be forgotten,” Pack said.
Losing things that mean so much is hard to even think about. It is like a memory that would be lost forever.
“I would feel heartbroken. It would be like someone taking a very happy memory away from me that I could never get back,” Humphries said.
Collecting is an investment in time and effort. Losing the collection would be a collector’s worst nightmare.
“I would probably cry. I would have to put in a lot more work especially since some designs might not be made anymore,” Curtis said.
Everyone should clean out their closet to discover the little treasures that bring back memories of the great times they had in the past. The treasures and memories that everyone wants to have more of to remember the future experiences.
Lucas Bailey • Mar 11, 2011 at 9:22 pm
Its always great to think back on old memories. Its nice to keep things that remind us of good times and make us feel good. I just do not want to be a person that lives in the past and is not focused on what is happening now.
Jessica Taylor • Mar 10, 2011 at 7:41 pm
I have always been a collector. I cannot just get one of something. I have collected strange things over the years and whenever I bring out one of my old collections, I get lost in thoughts of the past.
Carrie Young • Mar 10, 2011 at 3:45 pm
I don’t collect anything, but reading this article makes me think that it would help to remember different memories I’ve had if I did collect, or have certain treasures. It’s cool to see the passion that she has for her favorite baseball team.
Diana O. • Mar 9, 2011 at 7:02 am
This is a great article. It brings back memories of my treasured memories. I agree completely with the title of the article “Treasured items hold a sentimental value”. Although I personally do not collect material possession but I do collect the valuable memories which are dear to me. My sports memories are my prized possession
Unique Larry • Mar 4, 2011 at 9:58 pm
I think it’s awesome to have specific items that remind you of the past but we all must know our limits. I am sure no one wants to become a hoarder.
Tessa Allen • Mar 4, 2011 at 9:26 pm
This is story that everyone can relate to, very clever TRN, and it brings back my own memories that I don’t want to lose, great games and great people that will live within me forever.
Malikah Williams • Mar 4, 2011 at 8:25 pm
This has got to be one of my favorite articles. It not only shows aspects of people’s lives that aren’treally discussed as well as some of things that they are passionate about or were passionate about.
Laken Adams • Mar 4, 2011 at 7:55 pm
I love this article. I can relate to it so much. Like Abria, I also used to dance. I have every costume still, starting from age 2 to age 15. I will always treasure those memories in dance class and recitals. I think it is important to have at least one thing to treasure. It makes life that more memorable and worth while.
Rachel Arnold • Mar 4, 2011 at 7:35 pm
I think it’s true that everyone has something that has sentimental value to them. Also the part on collecting was neat too. I personally collect coins. My great grandpa got my sisters and I started on it at a young age and still continues to give us all kinds of coins for birthdays or holidays. I’ve even gotten to the point that it’s impossible for me to spend a state quarter or special nickel. I save them all with hopes that they will be worth something one day or to maybe pass them down to my children.
Jill Fairchild • Mar 4, 2011 at 3:41 pm
Collections are so fun!! They also have specific memories attached to them that act in a sense like a scrapbook. People’s possesions are important and build up who that person is.
Cara Lucy • Mar 4, 2011 at 8:47 am
I think this article was a good idea because it let students express their prized items. Each person has their own way to express themself. This article makes me wish that I wish I had a collection of some type.
Rachel Waymack • Mar 4, 2011 at 6:55 am
I think this was a good idea for a story since it gave these people a chance to showcase what they collect and why it is so special to them.
Trey Carter • Mar 3, 2011 at 8:43 pm
I agree with Rebekah, everyone should have things that they have to remind them of previous events and what not. Collecting items is not only beneficial in emotional sense, but can also be beneficial in the financial sense, dependent upon the items being collected.
Haseena Abdur-Rahman • Mar 2, 2011 at 5:42 am
If someone has something that inspires them or makes them happy, then by all means, that person should collect it. I see nothing wrong with having sentimental value for something. As the artical stated,”Everyone has a keepsake or a treasure that is special to them”.
rebekah bridgers • Feb 23, 2011 at 8:43 am
I think it is really cool how everyone collects something that it special to them. I personally, do not collect anything that this makes me feel like am really missing out on something.