Scott Girolmo Joins Staff As New Head Coach Following Carroll’s Move To AD
As the 2021 spring sports season enters its final stretch, it is time to look ahead to fall sports. One big change which hasn’t happened for the past 11 years is the hiring of a new varsity head football coach. Scott Girolmo will be replacing Coach Bruce Carroll who has taken over the Athletic Director’s position.
Previously from Battlefield High School, Girolmo heard about the job opening from his wife, a 2006 PG graduate, and jumped on the opportunity. He decided to take the job after careful consideration.
“Prince George has been a home away from home for me since I moved to Virginia in 2011,” Girolmo said. “My wife and I prayed and pondered the decision and we believe that it is what is best for our family.”
The future of the football team looks promising to Girolmo and he is hopeful for the fall season.
“I see tremendous potential for growth here, along with an opportunity to get students and faculty involved in the growth of the program,” Girolmo said. “I also hope to continue building on the success Coach Carroll and the team had in 2019.”
Change is always difficult, especially coming to a new school. Girolmo has to face challenges, but continues to stay positive.
“Gaining the trust of the players and coaches is very hard and takes a long time when you take over a program,” Girolmo said. “It takes consistent effort and depth of care for each person. The process is years long, and it’s what is most important. I think getting to know the amazing players and coaches and community members at PG will be a fun challenge, and I can’t wait to get after it.”
Despite the difficulties, Girolmo is looking forward to meeting new people.
“I am excited to be with so many of my family members and be surrounded by folks we love and who support us so much,” Girolmo said. “I am pumped to meet all of the players, and coaches and hear their stories and build new relationships.”
He is also anticipating several aspects of football that he has not been able to experience since COVID-19 shutdowns.
“I am looking forward to the Friday night lights, the competition, the struggles, and the joys of growth within a team,” Girolmo said. “It’s been a hard year without football, and I can’t wait to get back to it.”
With his experience and expertise, he hopes to better the team, both mentally and physically.
“I want to bring a fearless and relentless pursuit of better,” Girolmo said. “I want to help them focus on being the best person they can be first and being football players second. I want to bring a ‘fail hard, never quit’ mentality, where our players aren’t afraid to make mistakes on the road to growth. I want to bring the fastest paced coaching I can give them, and hopefully a fun and empowering atmosphere for our coaches to work in and players to play in.”
Girolmo keeps a positive mindset going into football seasons and always has motivational words for the players.
“If you love what you are doing and if you have love for the people that you are doing it for or with, then you do not need to be concerned about fears or potential failure,” Girolmo said at a football interest meeting on May 26, 2021.
Overall, Girolmo has a special place in his heart for football and knows how the sport will benefit all players on the team.
“Football is unlike anything else in this whole world,” Girolmo said. “High school football especially is an opportunity for us, an arena for us to see what we are made of. It’s an opportunity to bring what we think is the absolute best man that’s in us.”