Voting will take place on Tuesday, November 3rd at polling places all over the county. For many first-time voters who are away from home, they will vote by mail-in ballot.
Sitting down in her college dorm, Prince George alumni Brooke Lawerence prepares her mail-in ballot.
Voting is something many teens look forward to getting to do. The first election they get to vote in as young adults is always exciting. This year, however, things are slightly different due to Covid-19 causing the world to be in a national pandemic.
“I plan on still going to the polls in person but I am going to make sure that I follow all the recommended guidelines,” senior Keith Bosher said. “I will be staying at least 6 feet apart from others and wearing a mask for my safety and for the safety of those around me.”
Regardless of the special circumstances, there are still traditional reasons many are excited for their first election.
“I’m excited [to vote] because it makes me feel more like an adult and it is good to know I’m doing my civic responsibility as a newly eligible voter,” senior Ethan Post said.
Although there are different elections citizens can vote in, the presidential election is the most regarded.
“I am very excited,” said Prince George alumni Deryl Glenser. “The presidential election is regarded as a big election, and everyone talks about it.”
In previous years, there has been talk about young voters not having a high voter turnout. After recent events, many feel this will not hold true.
“I think that some [young adults] may feel that voting is not important, but the most recent elections have seen some of the highest young adult voter turnouts to date,” Boshner said. “I think that shows that we have our own opinions and that we want to express them through our own vote.”
Find your polling place and learn more about voting in virginia. https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation
Voting in America plays a key factor in the government. Votes from everywhere make a difference.
“Voting is important because you can elect the people who you believe will be the best fit for this country and or yourself out of select choices,” Post said.
Young voters have definitely stepped up to the plate recently, pushing to make sure they are heard.
“I see more young voters advocating for exercising that right to vote than I do older voters,” Lawrence said. “I think as a generation, we have come to realize that if we don’t vote, we are really just hurting ourselves. I believe that because we advocate for so much justice and equality that we want to see our country grow in acceptance and the only way to guarantee that is by making our voices heard.”
The personal reasons behind why a particular individual votes differ from person to person.
“I love talking politics and I consider myself a social advocate,” Lawrence said. “I am also a firm believer in ‘if you do not vote, you cannot talk about what you want changed.’ Voting is an important part of my life in making change happen.”
To anyone who doubts the importance of voting, Glenser has some words to share.
“The first three words of the US Constitution are “We The People,’” Glenser said. “Just those three words give us, the people, the power over the government. If we don’t agree with who is running or representing our towns, counties, states, or country, then we have to vote. We vote for who we believe would be better for that position.”