Senior Javonte Harding gives the last few meters every ounce of energy from within to end out the race. Harding placed first in the 55 meter dash at the Class 5A State Meet at the Boo Williams Complex on Feb. 29th. Photo taken by Royals Media.
During the last four years, there has been one track star that everyone has been hearing about, senior Javonte Harding. Harding has been running track since he was eight years old. Each season has brought improvement for the four time state champion.
Known as being one of the fastest runners in the state of Virginia as well as the United States can often seem stressful to a high school student, but not for Harding. This opportunity has given him the ability and chance to be humble in his profession.
“I just realized that there’s always been somebody better than me and there’s always somebody better than me, therefore I keep working harder to be me,” Harding said.
The people consistently found in Harding’s corner are the track coaching staff. Coach William Stevens has loved getting the opportunity to watch Harding grow as track seasons have gone by.
“We set a state and national goal,” Stevens said. “I always want him to know setting goals is great, but it’s working hard on them that makes him who he is.
This track season will be Harding’s last as a Prince George High School runner. He has been accepted to North Carolina A&T on a full ride to run track.
“I am going to be majoring in zoology,” Harding said. “I’ll do what I can out there to try and be the best me.”
While every good thing must come to an end, some are sad that Harding will no longer be running for Prince George, but they are excited for what is to come in his future. Watching Harding flourish right before their eyes has truly made an impact.
“He is the second 100 meter and second 200 meter champion from Prince George, so being the fastest makes him the best,” Stevens said.
After college, Harding is looking at going professional with the skill that he has. His biggest goal is to one day run in the Olympics. Harding could become the next Usain Bolt.
“I want Javonte to be the best Javonte and if he does that, he will one day be faster than Usain Bolt,” Stevens said.
Being on the team since eighth grade has given Harding the opportunity to learn from different runners as well as be a part of different relay teams.
“It’s been pretty fun because every year is something new, so it’s not always the same thing,” Harding said. “Some years we’ve had good players and some years we’ve had a struggling team. Either way, it’s simply just the hard work that has gone into it that makes it fun.”
As Harding is ready to move on to the next step in life as well as his track career, the team will be left to find someone to take his place. The question is whether or not someone is ready to fill shoes that so big.
“I have a great high jumper here, State Champion, Lamont Victoria, and he is working hard to be the best in the nation,” Stevens said. “I will say this, I have not one, not two, but three young girls that will surely be the best ever that have come through, on the girls side.”