Seniors, Elizabeth Whittington, Brooke Lawrence, and Carter Tate, help out in the main, attendance, and guidance offices. Photo by Harmony Thomas.
Making their way through the hallways, seniors with green and gold lanyards hanging from their necks help out the offices within the school in every way they can. Student workers help the front offices and guidance office with running errands and organizing.
The students who are eligible to volunteer for these positions are seniors who have empty spots in their schedule. Seniors Alexus Garrett and Elizabeth Whittington volunteered to help out in the attendance office as attendance aides.
“I thought it would be cool to see how my schools offices worked,” Garrett said. “I like that I’m helping Mrs. Ceney everyday because she gets overwhelmed sometimes.”
“I decided to help out because I figured she [Mrs. Ceney] works really hard and I thought it would be fun,” Whittington said.
Part of their routine is to take passes to students who have early release or they are getting picked up early.
“[Part of my routine is to] write down subs for the day, file notes, type in and out lists, run passes, and pick up sub attendances,” Whittington said. “Running the passes is really fun because you get to go in all the classes.”
In the main office, office aides help with organizing and they also help run passes to different classes.
“I get to establish a relationship with the people in the front office,” senior Brooke Lawrence said. “If I wasn’t a helper I probably wouldn’t even know most of their names to be honest.”
These students who help are contributing a great service to their school. Lawrence shares what her days in the office consist of.
“I always start out my block with Alison Worley by going to say good morning to Ms. Taylor. Then Alison and I do whatever is asked, make deliveries, stop by and see our favorite teachers, and our favorite thing [to do is] we make hot chocolate in the workroom,” Lawrence said. “Every day, Alison and I make a video about the main thing we did that day and come the end of senior year we are going to combine them all together to show all of our adventures.”
Lawrence says that her daily routine of helping out in the main office has become more than just a job.
“Since I’ve been working in there it’s evolved into actually doing things I enjoy and being a support to the men and women that do so much for our school,” Lawrence said. “I get to establish relationships and appreciate those who get very little of it.”
In F-wing the guidance office also utilizes quite a few student workers. Guidance aides have identical roles to the other two student workers but they are able to stay more in touch with their counselors.
“What I like most about helping in guidance is being able to connect with other students as we work, as well as being able to directly affiliate with our counselors, which is a very important part of being a senior,” senior Carter Tate said.
Guidance aides take care of running all the counselor request slips to classrooms and do tasks similar to the other student workers such as organizing paperwork.
“My routine each class block usually involves passing out request slips to students, as well as alphabetizing and organizing student related paperwork,” Tate said.
All of these workers give back to each of the staff members in these offices by doing the little things that are so time-consuming.
“The most rewarding aspect is being able to help out all the counselors when they need it, because they’re always busy helping students and parents, and have little time to spare,” Tate said.