Junior Bella Friedhoff brushes the door of one of the stalls in the girls bathroom. The SGA is in the process of planning a renovation of the doors to brighten up the space. Photo by Masako Kaneko.
The SGA has taken on the task to improve the ladies bathrooms throughout Prince George High School. The idea involves some paint and a little elbow grease.
“Emily Lawson came up with the idea a while ago and I thought it was a great idea because it would help brighten the school environment. We went through a lot as students last year when the unfortunate death of two fellow classmates and that hit the student body hard. Painting the wall would help students see the school as more of a welcoming environment,” junior Bella Friedoff said.
The SGA believes they need to contribute more to their school.
“Honestly, I feel that after Homecoming is done there is very little SGA really does and this gives us the opportunity to do more for the school,” Friedoff said.
The SGA has many creative students with many different ideas of how to improve the school.
“I was the one who brought up the idea to paint the bathroom, because over the summer I found out that schools who have non-bullying programs have painted their bathrooms and how positively it impacted the students,” junior Emily Lawson said.
During open floor the idea was brought up and supported by the junior class representatives present.
“It wasn’t particularly voted on. We still have to bring it up to the school board which we will do. We have a schedule for this because we genuinely want this to happen.” Friedoff said.
“We have yet to find out who’s sponsoring the project. We might do fundraisers to help raise money for this project,” Lawson said.
This project has been in the works for a couple of months. SGA juniors have been attending and planning meetings in order to push this idea further.
“The idea was brought to my ears at the end of last year and so we are now working on this along with Homecoming preparations as well,” Friedoff said.
The main inspiration has been to inspire students, but no final decisions have been made yet. The ideas are meant to be simple and sweet for ease and creativity.
“Emily has a few sketches that I personally haven’t seen yet, but we’re not looking at anything too detailed.” Friedoff said.
With this arduous task the SGA is going to need assistance.
“We do have paint in the school, plus when we bring this up to the school board we are hopeful that we will get their assistance considering we are students,” Friedoff said.
SGA members are looking forward to this adventure and hope that other groups within the student body will be just as excited and willing to put in work to help.
“I personally cannot speak for anyone, but the art clubs help would be appreciated and SGA help would be helpful, but we don’t want too much help,” Friedoff said. “Emily Lawson has taken it upon herself to carry out the task considering it was her idea.”