Homecoming 2019 took place Saturday night in the high school commons. The dance was sold out with close to 800 students attending.
Here are images from the event taken by photographers Maclay Cerny and Renaldo Lynch.
Sophomore Brenden Spence stands in the middle of his dancing peers.
Sophmore Robert Babb joins in on line dancing to the “Cupid Shuffle.”
Senior Kyleigh Naylor (far left), senior Madison Koren (left), senior Elissa Boro, and senior Harmony Thomas dance the night away to their favorite song. Photo by Renaldo Lynch.
Senior Stella Whelan poses towards the photographer to capture her moments at the dance with senior Jamie Meurer (left) and senior Kyleigh Naylor (right).
Junior Aykia Starke (left), junior Jaylen Jones (middle), and junior Emily Faison sing along and dance the night away.
For more images visit our Smugmug gallery at: https://trnwired.smugmug.com/Homecoming-Events/Homecoming-Dance-2019/