What is your favorite part about track?
The dedication and the hard work behind it. Coach Stevens, he is a very special human being… he loves track just as much as any other kid out there… when you see that it only makes you want to work harder.
Who is your inspiration?
I’m really doing this for my sister because she used to be really fast. Track used to be her thing then she messed up her knee. She had open knee surgery and now she cannot do it anymore so I said I will be as good as I can be just for her.
What are your plans after high school?
I am going to run track at Bryant & Stratton College in Virginia Beach and major in digital marketing.
What music do you listen to before a meet to warm up?
I do not like to listen to that hard music, I need to be soothed before I run so I listen to Prince. The very last song I listen to before I get ready to run for real is “Purple Rain.”