Jessica Queen and Allison Heath in the library.
Something new is now available to any student who wants to expand their reading list. The library is starting a book club called Books and Bagels that allows students to check out books that have been reviewed by other members of the club while enjoying a breakfast bagel.
Allison Heath, a librarian, had been wanting to start a book club for the five years she has been working in the High School. Finally, she and the other librarians, got the inspiration they had been hoping for.
“Coleman Vaughn, who was a library helper last year, came to visit us last month and was telling us about a book club that he was in at Richard Bland and it was similar to this and it was not your traditional book club where everyone gets the same book,” Heath said. “They all read different books and then they come together and talk about the book they read on their own,”.
Then, the idea of swapping books came into play, giving members a chance to interact in a unique way with books.
“Mrs. Geryes’s seniors came in and did speed dating. They came back to do research and they had turned their books in… and they were talking about their books and they were so excited about their books they were like ‘oh my [gosh] you have to read this book, it’s so great’ and just in their discussion about the books they started switching books with each other as they were turning them in and then started checking out each other’s books,” Heath said.
The club’s creation has brought excitement for students who frequent the library as a chance to take part in a new type of book group. For Jessica Queen, it is her first time being in any book club and she is thrilled.
“Books and Bagels is cool because I have never been in a book club before so it will be interesting to see other people’s interest in books and to see their take on different things,” Queen said.
The first meeting will be held on the 11th of February in the library. The forms are available in the library on the front desk and will be due, with the book, the day before the meeting. The bagels will be provided for participating students while they are browsing the reviewed books.