The final week of fall sports has arrived and for anyone looking to get one more football game in they will have to go on the road to see the game Friday night at Thomas Dale. Here is the rest of what is happening for this week.
Anyone who signed up to play PowderPuff, please check the bulletin board across from A32 to see if you were selected for the team. If you were selected, make sure to join the Remind so that you don’t miss any important information, also $20 is due to Mr. Bullis or Mrs. McSherry by Thursday 11/1 to retain your spot.
The 3 point challenge for PowderPuff is returning this year. Juniors and seniors can contribute canned goods to gain a 3 point advantage for the PowderPuff game on 11/15. Until November 9th, seniors should stop by A32 or B6 to deposit their canned goods, while juniors can drop off in Room B5 or A4. Sophomores can tips the scales by picking a side! Only drop off canned goods in between classes and before or after school.
Students in GSA, please stop by F-18 and let Ms. Beasley know if any student would like to attend the Transgender Day of Remembrance trip.
Trick or Treat for UNICEF is coming to an end and all SADD and Cultural Awareness club members are reminded that their boxes are due on Thursday, November 1st. Thank you to the many SADD members that have turned in their boxes.
Mrs. Merrill’s first block class has surged into 1st place in Spare Change Wars with $45.10. Students have until tomorrow during first block to bring in your spare change(and dollars) and try bring home the victory for your first block! All proceeds will be used by Student Ambassadors to welcome new students to the Royals family. Go Royals, and thanks for your support.
SADD juniors and seniors that would like to attend the Howard University, Washington DC trip, please stop by B14 to pick up information sheet and make your down payment. The $25 down payment is due 11/02.
Cultural Awareness members that would like to attend the Native American Pow-Wow in Richmond, please stop by B14 to pick up your field trip form. The $10 admission fee is due 11/02.
There will be an indoor track interest meeting on Oct. 30th at 6 PM in the Commons. Also track tryouts will be Nov. 5th – Nov. 8th you must have a VHSL physical form completed to tryout. Come out and join PG TRACK NATION!
The Interact Club will have their next meeting on Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 7:30am in room A34. If you are interested in joining, please see Mr. Ford in room A34 or A11.
The following college representatives will be at Prince George High School. Any seniors interested in meeting with a college representative should sign up in the counseling office.
Thursday, November 1 Bridgewater College at 8:30 AM
Monday, November 5- Shenandoah University at 8:30 AM
Monday, November 19- Richard Bland College at 9:00 AM
Tuesday, November 20- JMU at 9 AM
Service Opportunity at Walton Elementary. Mrs. Woodlief needs volunteers for Reading Night on Tuesday, October 30th from 5:30-7pm. Meet in the Walton cafeteria at 5 pm for pizza. Please sign-up in advance on the Beta Bulletin Board in D-wing. Also, service points from September and club t-shirt money of $10 should be turned in ASAP.
Varsity & JV Boys Basketball tryouts will be held on Monday, November 5th and Wednesday, November 7th at the high school gym from 2:30-5:00 PM. Please have your transportation ready to pick you up on time. You MUST have a completed and updated VHSL physical to participate in tryouts. Any physical from last school year is no longer valid for this season. If you have any questions, please see Coach Carr in Room A-13.
Tryouts for Sideline Basketball Cheer will be held November 5, 7, 8 from 3:00-5:00pm in the PGHS Auxiliary gym. You must have a physical on the VHSL Physical form dated after May 1, 2018 and Head Injury Release form to participate. Tryout packets may be picked up in the main office of the High School and Clements beginning October 15th. Please contact Coach Haydt or Slaybaugh if you have any questions.