Globetrotter Kelly Hirv is not your average local high school Spanish teacher. She has been to more countries than most can imagine.
“I’ve been to Greece, Italy, France, Scotland, [and] Canada,” Hirv said.
But those are not the only countries she has visited. The traveler has also been on trips abroad to Spain and Costa Rica. Although she learned Spanish mostly through high school and the College of William and Mary, Hirv also learned Spanish on her trips abroad to these Spanish speaking countries. Traveling is a major part of her life and she hopes to travel more, especially with Sra. Jones’s trips to Europe.
Other than traveling, Hirv has a deep interest and appreciation for teaching Spanish.
“I am certified to teach English and Spanish…but my love is Spanish just because there are so many things that are new about it for students,” Hirv said.
Although Hirv has been teaching for sixteen years she originally pursued business. Soon after she became inspired from women role models in her life and decided to become a teacher.
“My mother was a kindergarten teacher so she was one of my inspirations, my other inspiration was my high school Spanish teacher, Mrs. Price. My mom has fun teaching and Mrs. Price was very funny so she made learning fun,” Hirv said.
Hirv now hopes to follow in their footsteps by getting her students to leave her classroom successfully and with love for the Spanish language. She has grown to love the rewards teaching has to offer, such as building relationships with students and seeing their success and progress in the classroom.
“I hear so many students say ‘I can’t do this,’ and I want to change that can’t to can,” Hirv said.