This week spring sports kick off so grab your cleats and get ready. Baseball tryouts start today, Monday, February 19, at 3 PM in the Auxiliary Gym at PGHS. Students trying out must have a current, completed VHSL physical form and must have passed a minimum of 5 classes the first semester in order to be eligible. Rides must be here at 5:30. Any questions, please see Coach Roberts.
Also softball tryouts will begin today February 19, at 3 PM in the Auxiliary Gym at PGHS. Students trying out must have a current, completed VHSL physical form and must have passed a minimum of 5 classes the first semester in order to be eligible. Rides must be here at 5 PM. Any questions, please see Coach Chandler.
And finally there will be an outdoor track interest meeting on Wednesday, February 21st at 6:00 PM in the Commons.
This past weekend the VHSL Class 5 State Wrestling Tournament took place in Chesapeake, VA. Prince George High School’s first ever state wrestling champion Jakob Kennedy won the 160 lb weight division.
Today is the first day of Scholastic Journalism Week, a week designed to help us remember the significant events in the development of the media. Be sure to celebrate your local, regional and national newspapers, including the The Royal News.
Seniors will be receiving a fundraising packet from Claire’s Gourmet in government classes. This fundraiser will give scholarships to seniors as well as providing incredible gifts and prizes at Senior Bash. The best part is that seniors will earn prizes based on how many items one sells. Prizes include Prom Tickets, Senior Bash tickets, a Senior Shirt, and even two $100 prizes for top sellers. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Bullis or Mrs. McSherry in A33.
Attention any senior that is going on to college to become a teacher… Alpha Delta Kappa is an honor sorority of women in education and they are offering a scholarship to those seniors planning to go into a career in education. Applications for this scholarship are in the guidance office. Applications must be turned in by March 23rd. If you have any questions, come see Ms. Hasley in room A-23.
National Honor Society letters are being handed out this week to students with a Cumulative GPA of 3.8 or better. Letters are given out by English teachers. If a student does not receive a letter and believes that he/she has a 3.8, please send the student to see Mrs. Jones – A29.
Prince George High School is happy to announce that the Royal Courts girls volleyball league will continue again this year. This is the second year of giving girls from 6th – 12th grade the opportunity to play. The league will run on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 5:30 – 8:30pm. Play will be from March 6th – May 17, 2018. There will be an open gym on Thursday, March 1st from 5:30 – 8:30 pm. All play will take place in the Prince George High School gymnasium. All interested girls can find a registration form in the main office. Registration must be turned in to Coach Gilbert at PGHS no later than March 1st.
VCU will be hosting their 3rd Annual Cultural Awareness Day on March 14th. Cultural Awareness Day seeks to build multicultural awareness and skills for working with diverse populations. Members interested in attending, please stop by B14 and sign-up.
Royals Media is now taking applications to join the 2018-2019 staff, which includes the yearbook, newspaper, and PGTV News. Each staff member must take a journalism elective class, so you must submit an application before Feb. 28th in order to schedule the class for next year. See your English teacher or come by A2 for an application, or just go online to apply at www.trnwired.org/apply/ – Hurry you must apply by Feb. 28th.
And that is the news briefs for 2/19-2/23.