Election Tuesday is occupying the minds of most adults… there will be two spots on the school board open with four candidates running: Chris Johnson, Robb Eley, Sharon Jadrnak and Lelia Holmes are running for the spots.
Most students have their minds on class rings and winter sports.
If you ordered and paid for your class ring, there will be a Ring Delivery Party in the LMC on November 9th during all lunch blocks. Students will report to the LMC during their designated lunch block to enjoy pizza and pick up their rings with their classmates. If you choose to receive your ring through the traditional Ring Ceremony, you may come and enjoy pizza with your classmates. The Ring Ceremony will be held Saturday, November 11th at 7 PM in the auditorium. Dress is business-like or church best. There is no longer the requirement of a formal dress for this event. Students must pick up a ticket if attending the ceremony Saturday night. Tickets will be available the 6th and 8th during lunch blocks in the commons. Students must have a ticket if you plan on receiving your ring Saturday night at the ceremony. Any ring not ordered by Herff Jones must be given to Mrs. Kasi Roberts by 11/9 in order for it to be presented at the ceremony Saturday night. See Mrs. Kasi Roberts in A-4 if you further questions.
Tryouts for varsity and junior varsity basketball sideline cheer will be from 3 PM to 5 PM on Nov. 6th, 8th, and 9th in the Auxiliary gym at Prince George High School. Athletes must have a current physical on the VHSL physical form dated after May 1, 2017. Students may pick up a packet of information and forms from the front office.
Varsity & JV boys basketball tryouts will be held on Monday, November 6 & Wednesday, November 8 immediately after school in the high school gym. Athletes must have an updated and valid VHSL physical in order to tryout. Tryouts will end at 5 PM, so please have transportation available at this time. If you have any questions, please see Coach Carr.
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE: The following scholarships are available in guidance: Lexus of Richmond Scholarship Program (Ongoing) The Harry F. Byrd JR Leadership Award (11/9/17) The following scholarships are available online: Prudential Spirit of Community Award (11/7/17) SHC Youth Leadership and Scholarship Program (11/8/2017) Elks National Foundation Scholarship Program (11/27/17) Burger King McLamore Foundation (12/15/17) NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award Program (12/18/17) VA, MD, DE Assoc. of Electric Coop. Scholarship (Now through Feb 2018) National Beta Scholarship Program (11/01-1/25)