Entering into the third week of school students now are looking towards homecoming preparations and seniors are preparing for college applications. Play auditions for the first play will be held Wednesday. Here is your rundown for the week of Sept. 18th through 22nd.
The first meeting of the Student Ambassadors will be held Wed., Sept. 20, in room D18, from 2:30-3:00. They will discuss plans for the year, pass out club cards, and plan our fundraiser. Students with questions should see Mrs. Buetow in room D18.
The P.G. Players are pleased to announce auditions for the Virginia Theatre Association Conference One Act Play Festival. Auditions will be held on Wed., 9/20, at 2:30 PM, in the auditorium. Students should come prepared to participate in improvisational scenes. The festival will be held in Norfolk, the weekend of 10/26. Any students interested in technical support should stop by and sign up. Please see Mr. Phillips if with any questions.
SADD club members, please check and see if you have a winning ticket. Winning ticket numbers are posted on the B-14 door and on the SADD Club bulletin board in the commons. If you have one of the winning tickets, stop by B-14 and collect your prize! If you would like a chance to win one of our giveaway items, bring in your completed SADD application and $5 dues by Mon, Sept. 18th.
A representative for Christopher Newport University will be at Prince George High School on Sept. 28th at 9:30 A.M. Seniors who are interested in meeting with this representative and receiving information about CNU should sign up in the counseling office by Sept. 27th.
Representatives of Herff Jones will be at PGHS taking orders for graduation items on Tues., Sept. 26th (Back to School Night from 3 PM until 7 PM) in the commons. Seniors may also meet with representatives during their government classes on Wed., Sept. 27th and Thurs., Sept. 28th. Please bring your completed order form, found in the white GRAD packet and payment or deposit ($80) with you.
Current 4-H members, as well as, interested and potential students, who would like to join the 4-H club, are asked to stop by A16 (during your lunch block) to see Mrs. Farley and pay your $5 membership dues.
Applications to join the French club are available in room A32 and A33. There is a $5.00 membership fee, which is due with the application by Friday, September 22nd. See Madame Edmundson in room A33 if you have any questions. If you no longer take French but took at least 3 years of it, you are eligible to join.
The Key Club first meeting is Wed., Sept. 20th immediately after school in D-12. They will be planning volunteer opportunities throughout the year, and our regional conference for Baltimore in the spring.
Any National Honors Society senior who wishes to run for NHS President should see Mrs. Jones in room A29 by Friday, September 22nd.
Applications to join the Spanish club are available in room A29 or through your Spanish teacher. There is a $5.00 membership fee, which is due with the application by Fri., Sept. 22nd. See Senora Jones in room A29 if you have any questions. If you no longer take Spanish but took at least 3 years of it, you are eligible to join.
And finally yearbooks are now on sale for a special rate only for September! If you hurry and purchase your book now you receive $10 off. Go to YearbookOrderCenter.com and enter our school id number 16706 and buy your book for only $50. Hurry this offer won’t last for long!