As prom festivities have come to an end, it is vital to reflect on the newly implemented Prom Spirit Week.
During the week leading up to prom, the students at the high school participated in spirit week on April 27th, April 28th, and April 29th, which proved to be a great success. During each lunch period, Kevin Foster held a contest, in which he called out volunteers from each grade level and chose a winner based on the applause of the audience.
Wednesday, April 27th was age day, in which the seniors dressed up as elderly people, juniors dressed up as middle-aged people, and the sophomores dressed up as babies.
Thursday, April 28th was favorite character day, in which all grades dresses up as characters from books, movies, and television.
For example, some students dressed up as members of The Proud Family, which was a disney channel show which aired in 2005. The last day of the spirit week on Friday, April 29th, was the traditional green and gold day.
All grade levels dressed up for green and gold day wearing sports gear, class shirts, and more. Furthermore, spirit week proved to be a fun activity for students to engage themselves in. Spirit week helped get students excited, and it also built up the anticipation of attending prom. This event even had participation from teachers, who were creative in showing school spirit as well. Prom spirit week is something that students can look forward to, and it could be something that students have year after year.