Courtesy of: brandchannel.com
In a world full of apps and games, Kim Kardashian West’s app has been very popular over the last couple of months. West’s app, allows individuals to see a more up-close look of her everyday life, which gives users a chance to get to know her in more details. Kim’s app also provides users with advice on beauty tips and also advice on the latest fashion.
In detail, her app has many makeup tricks that can be helpful to users trying to recreate any of her most prized looks. Users are able to see tutorials on how to do cute and simple hairstyles, in which users can learn and try out learned material on themselves.
Fans are also able to look at behind the scenes photoshoots, and many other live streams of her everyday life on the app. Furthermore, West also provides the user with shopping tips and where she loves to shop, which is very helpful to people who admire her sense of fashion. She also provides users with her favorite products that she loves to use including cosmetics, perfumes, hair creams, and many other products.
Fans get a chance to ask her questions on her app and they are also able to read West’s personal diaries, in which she writes about her most thrilling to her most embarrassing moments that have occurred in her life. This really gives fans an opportunity to ask questions and to get to know her better. In more details, her app offers giveaways and special access to events, which could allow a lucky winner to meet her in real life.
Overall, this app gives fans an opportunity to view her life from a more personal aspect. Some may think that West is just an overrated reality star, but this app allows individuals to view a person that goes out of her way to show appreciation to her fans. This app is perfect for fans who wish to be inspired by Kim Kardashian West.