“It was a much needed break and most people are accepting it. No, [I do not feel like the snow put us behind] because it gives you longer time periods to do the work,” sophomore Jocelyn Smith said.
However, not all students use the extra time to their advantage to catch up on their schoolwork. After a week of being out of school, the students no longer remember the lesson.
“The snow always seems to make the students forget everything that they have learned. Missing school means that I have to add review days to my planning,” Spanish teacher Mary Mayes said.
The weather report is calling for more snow in the next few days. There is a winter storm warning from Wednesday, February 25, 2015 to one in the afternoon on Thursday. The snow is predicted to reach three to five inches tonight, on the 25 of February, and an inch or more on Thursday.
Senior Carlos Littles is not worried about the affect the snowfall could have on his schoolwork.
“Seeing as a lot of the work I have to do is at home since I have online classes it will not affect me, unlike people that have to sit through lectures. I know that in classes that have lectures it is easy to fall behind even without the snow, but it is not bothering me personally,” Littles said.
Academics are not the only thing being affected by the recent snowfall. Extracurricular activities also have to find a way to catch up after the week of school students missed.
“[SADD club is] supposed to have a Black History Program coming up to honor a famous African American, and if they cancel school it is going to push back and possibly have to be cancelled all together,” senior Virginia Kendall said.