By Haleigh Edwards
This I believe: Life is not fair.
Life is not fair because of many reasons. One personal reason that it is not fair is the one where my premature brother did not get to see passed seventeen days.
My brother was born three months early. I was nine years old. Everyone was hoping for a miracle. He had lots of blood in his brain and they knew he would not make it. I only got to see him four days out of the seventeen he got to live. Life is not fair.
You hear people say that they hate their sibling. They wish they were the only child. When I hear them say this I think to myself how fast their minds would change if they were in my position. I wish I had my brother to grow up with, to teach him how to play baseball, to watch him grow up into a handsome young man, but I don’t get that chance. Life is not fair.
Also, you have all of these soon-to-be mothers who don’t want their baby. They take everything for granted. They don’t think about all of the mothers out there that wish that their sons or daughters would have survived. They don’t think that losing that baby means anything. That baby means the world. Life is not fair.
I would love the chance to have a brother to grow up with. I’m not mad that he didn’t get to live his life out. This was all God’s plan. I just wish that my parents didn’t have to go through this heart break. When they gave me the news, it was hard to watch my mom cry. It’s hard to see your mom cry in the first place, but it was heart wrenching to see them both cry. Life is not fair.
As you grow up you seem to understand that life is not fair. Things don’t always go your way, you don’t always get want you want, and your dreams don’t always go the way you dreamt them to be. Life is not fair, but it’s how you live your life to whether you can make life get better from that experience or not.
This I believe: Life is not fair.