By Adam Blakemore
Standing among many hushed and waiting people of different ages, as a minister walks up to the podium to deliver a sermon. This minister, however, is not a trained professional, but is actually a classmate of some in the audience. Everyone listens intently as they speak about the word of God.
This is the idea behind the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and their Fields of Faith Program, which will happen on Fri., May 16. It will be the first event like this held in Prince George, although the inspiration for it came from FCA members observing other counties put on a program like this.
Although this service will be a non-denominational Christian service, it is open to anyone who would wish to attend, even those of other religions.
“I think this would be a great way for people of other religions to come out and see what this event is all about. We would love for people who aren’t practicing Christians to come out and enjoy the program we are putting on,” junior Sarah Beth-Howard said.
The FCA has been working on this even since Mar., before Spring Break came around. The official committee, including junior Anna Smith and Beth Howard.
“It took us awhile to get started, because at first we were trying to figure out how to do everything, but once we knew what we were doing, the work became much simpler and went by a lot faster,” Smith said.