By Carson Stout & Jessica Demas
Spending just over six billion dollars on annual energy use in schools, local schools are trying to save extra money by reducing the amount of energy used. By trying to reduce the amount of energy used, the school in turn becomes energy efficient.
“The average school uses 22 kwh per square foot each year, and last year PGHS used 2,000,000 kwh,” Dominion Power employee Johnny Harris said.
The high school was the first school to start using energy saving techniques. Soon after, other schools in the county started to use the same techniques to start saving on energy costs.
“The high school is like a hub, if one school does it, so will the next, thus reducing the overall cost. I do believe it saves more than people think.,” Vice Principal Joe McDaniels said.
In the beginning of every year, teachers are reminded of the little things that can make a big difference in the cost of energy. A few ways to help conserve energy throughout the school would be to turn off lamps, keep the windows closed, and unplugging things that are not in use.
“We try to keep a few computers off in the library but there is not much we can do about the lighting,” ITRT Stephanie Poe said. “Otherwise we would be sitting in the dark all day.”
Some of the bigger energy wasters are typically the smaller things no body thinks of.
“Refrigerators, microwaves, even coffee machines take a lot of power just to run, that’s why we do not allow teachers, other than a select few, to have them in the classrooms, McDaniels said.
Not only are schools trying to save money, but they are trying to make it greener for everyone else as well.
“It is mainly due to the growing bills over the past few years, but we try to conserve energy as well because it helps the environment along the way,” McDaniels said.
By switching to fluorescent light bulbs, the school has saved over 461 pounds of carbon dioxide from being released into the air.
On average, power plants produce 2.6 billion pounds of carbon per year out into the open air. Trying to help reduce that number, people around the world, including some at our school make sure to do their part.
“I do many things around the house to help conserve energy, like recycle, turning off my laptop and taking 15 minute showers,” sophomore Taylor Uranga said.
Although the school tries to help out the growing budget concern, the rules are typically not reinforced.
“We do not really need to have the rules enforced much because we have automatic stand-by lights that cut off when no one is in the room, and our computers are typically in sleep mode, but they could do something about the heating,” Poe said.
Students often comment on how temperatures vary from classroom to classroom, and believe it should be a constant throughout the school.
“It is always cold in one class then you get to another and your burning up. I bet they would save money if they tried to moderate the temperature,” Uranga said.
In the winter it takes nearly 30% more energy to run a school due to the increase in the need for heat. Some classrooms are less ventilated and are typically hotter verses the classrooms that have windows because it allows cold air to seep through.
“By help of stand-by monitors, fluorescent lighting, unplugging computers and the lack of coffee makers throughout the school, we have saved thousands in money and reduced environmental damages in just our school alone,” McDaniels said.