How you act in a crisis shows who you really are. It is easy to be nice and friendly in good and stress-free times. Putting on a smile does not take much. But, when faced with a struggle or crisis, the layer of personality that one shows on a normal day-to-day basis washes away and a person’s true colors show.
I believe that a person’s true colors can be the same as that everyday layer of personality. But sometimes, people change others’ opinions of them when they act in a negative way during a crisis.
In good times, a friend can be by your side and seemingly loyal. But what happens when the two of you are caught doing something bad? Will your friend desert you? What happens when you need a hand in a rough time? Will your friend offer theirs?
The only way to find out is to go through something like that. I believe that relationships become stronger when people go through a crisis and learn that the character that they believed someone possessed all along was the real thing.
When faced with a crisis, don’t be the one who was a disappointment. The one who destroyed the person that people thought you were. No. Be the one with good character. The one who allowed others to prove themselves right about you. The one who lent a hand, the one who stayed by their side, the one whose true colors showed brightly, and people were happy to see them.
This I believe: How you act in a crisis shows who you really are.