I never believed that money could buy happiness, until my mother convinced me otherwise. She always said that Benjamin Franklin was her best friend. She was a very moody shopper. When she was mad, she shopped. When she was sad, she shopped. And when she was upset, she shopped. Her motto was “If you aren’t going to make her happy, then Benjamin will.” Since I was a child I questioned whether shopping really changed her mood or if she could find true happiness at a store.
I grew up a very confused kid, sort of like an outcast. I was upset all the time, threw temper tantrums every few minutes, and nothing made me happy. A trip to the candy or toy store would clear everything up. My mom said that buying stuff made me happy ☺ But I never believed it.
But by age 15, I found that pampering myself was more important than stressing over mixed emotions. I turned to Benjamin Franklin every time I needed a tad bit more happiness in my life or a little bit more self-esteem. Ben told me to forget everything else, all I need is him.
By age 16, my mixed emotions were coming together with every trip to the mall. The mall has a happy-go-lucky atmosphere that puts me on Cloud 9. Walking into Hollister, picking up a hoody, and getting it bagged at the cash register brings a certain excitement to my life. Even the food court gives me a bubbly attitude.
I truly believe that money can buy happiness. And whenever I want happiness, I know that I can buy it with Benjamin.